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Bouncing Back Q&A: Matt Tipping, CEO, Jeroboams

Published:  22 December, 2021

Matt Tipping reflects on keeping the wheels turning through 2021 and how valuable new custom should bring cheer into the new year, despite the looming additional tax burden on wine.


Bouncing Back Q&A: Jacob Leadley, CEO & winemaker, Black Chalk Wine

Published:  15 December, 2021

Continuing our seasonal Bouncing Back Q&A series, Jacob Leadley takes stock of the challenges and lessons of 2021 and considers the path ahead for the trade.


Bouncing Back Q&A: David Gates, CEO, Laithwaites

Published:  13 December, 2021

Continuing our seasonal Bouncing Back Q&A series, David Gates, CEO, Laithwaites takes stock of the challenges and lessons of 2021 and considers the path ahead for the trade.